Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June at Broadway Coffeehouse

June has been a fun month for us. Here are a couple pictures from this month's coffee adventures:

Cate, Hannah, and Daniel dialing in some single origin espresso. We launched Single Origin Saturdays this month - every Saturday we dial in a coffee from a single geographical origin as espresso. This has been so much fun and has added to our skill - how do you accentuate the sweetness? how do you bring out more brightness? what do you change to increase complexity? Espresso is such a intricate and delicate drink, and we are excited to work to understand the science and art of it. 
Nick, brewing up with a Chemex. This is what we're doing every chance we get. Perfecting brew methods, learning the stories of farms, developing our pallets, and nerding out.

Hannah and Liam showing off the new generation Kone. Coava Coffee Roasters out of Portland just pre-released this rework of their reusable metal filter. We have been working with their first model, and so Coava sent us a free gen two before it went public for us to test out. The guys at Coava are rad! Love that third wave coffee is so interconnected!

Justin and I hosting a Tuesday coffee tasting. Here we highlighted a coffee grown by Arturo Agurrie, roasted by Stumptown, and brewed using Coava's new generation Kone. We do free tastings every Tuesday at 4pm.


Unknown said...

Hey! I was at broadwaycofeehouse.com trying to subscribe to the feed in google reader and had a heck of a time :) I eventually found it by stalking you and coming at it a little backwards :) but you think you could add a little easy subscribe to feed button? That is...unless you already do and I'm just blind ;)

Jesse Hayes said...

Thanks for the suggestion Sarah. It's done!