Tuesday, August 28, 2012

All the Right Equipment - Barista = 0

The right equipment is nothing without a skilled barista behind it all. Love working with a team of talented baristas.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Single Origin Gorilla

Gorillas love Saturdays. It means we're pulling two single origin espressos. And we love gorillas.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Coffee Going Mobile - 400 Free Cups of Coffee

So my brother and I went to the park to give out free coffee in support of Family Fest - a rad event put on by Family Building Blocks. All in all we gave away 400 cups of coffee - hand brewed Chemexes and cold brew on tap donated by Stumptown Coffee Roasters and Broadway Coffeehouse. A good day to be brothers.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Single Origin Saturday

Working with two single origin espressos every Saturday. And this crew. It's a beautiful thing.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Coffee from Around the World

Single Origin coffees we're working with this week.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hand Brewing Coffee

Coffee - the little things make all the difference in the world.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Professional Baristas

There is a certain small, but growing, segment of the coffee industry that began looking at the barista position as more just a short-term, get-me-through-college job. We have taken seriously an art-like approach this drink - calling ourselves coffee professionals and professional baristas. However, just because we're serious about coffee, doesn't mean we need to take ourselves too seriously. I've seen this too much in the coffee world - excellent coffee craftsmen who are less than excellent hosts. There is this air of superiority, "I can brew better coffee than you. That makes me more valuable than the rest of you peons." This needs to go.

So, here we find ourselves - professional baristas - taking the art of coffee very seriously. But let's not mix our egos into our craft. There is a time to poke a little fun at ourselves, because - let's face it - we're just nerds.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Coffee Tastings - a Video by Nobu

My roommate's name is Nobu. He does video. This is his work highlighting the amazing team of baristas at Broadway Coffeehouse.
We are passionate about learning everything we can about coffee, and passing on that information to people who are interested. The result is four coffee tastings every week - free to whoever wants to come and dialogue and drink the best coffee we can brew. This is a window into those tastings. If this sparks your interest, we invite you to join us.
And if Nobu's work interests you, shoot him an email - nobuyoshi427@yahoo.com

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cupping Coffee with Stephen Vick

Last month I get a tweet from Stephen Vick saying, "hey, I'm in town. Have some coffee to cup. Interested?" To which, of course, I replied... "YES!" It was a good chance to learn from someone who's been in the industry for a decade, to hang out with a friend, and to taste some bomb coffee. Intelligentsia, Ecco, Blue Bottle, and Four Barrel represented on the table, including an coffee from Ethiopia Stephen helped source. Incredible coffee and enlightening conversation - what could be better?

Best of luck in your transitions these coming weeks, Stephen. I appreciate your willingness to pass on your knowledge and your friendship.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Baristas as Models

Christmas was a good excuse to be goobers and strike a couple poses. I thought I'd share a few of those poses.